Blackfish movie

The blackfish movie was said that 83 percent of the movie was fake so the movie was just basically about this whale name Tilikum will that what I think. So in the movie they were showing the whale trying to eat the worker but in one part of the movie this girl was putting her foot. In the water and keeped doing it so the whale took her down but she survived. So there was a part where this guys face is fool of blood and they made it seem like the whale did it. But he actually hit a lamp or pole so his face was bloody and it was showing how the will capture the baby whale from there mom and one. Of the people who were catching the whale was sad because he said it was like some one was taking  a kid from there mom. So Tilikum killed three people so what I said in the beginning this trainer left SeaWorld so he quit. His job and he said 83 percent out of 100 was fake.


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