Sea world two article

So the first article so last sea world whale just arrived about a year ago so they decided to stop breeding orca so people also stoped going to sea world because people were protesting the way the treat the whales. So they said that the orca was born and they did not named it because they don’t know if it was a male or a female and the mother is 25 and is carrying the baby. So in March 2016 sea world stop breeding whales and that Chris Dold is in charge of the animals in sea world and that he said he would expected sea world to be sad because it would be the parks last birth day.

So the second article so they said in the article that whales can live as long as humans but in sea world they dont live as long but sea world says that. The killer whales in sea world live as long as the wild ones so the company say that it provides healthy and intereste to a home. But no one really knows that if whale live longer in sea world or the ocean.


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